18 September 2008

Simple Pleasures

My boys love coming to my office. They get lots of attention (they're whores like that) and most importantly, if they behave, they get to choose a treat from the receptionist's candy bowl on the way out.

I brought Bii by on the way back from getting his cast last week. He loved showing off his Kelly Green arm to everyone and, despite running around like a mad man, he was a good boy.

As we were getting ready to leave he asked if he could please bring a piece of candy back for all of his friends at daycare. What a thoughtful boy I thought. Of course you can.

Since the bowl was nearly empty I brought him to the supply room. I lifted him up to the enormous trash can size stash of candy that refills the bowl and he gasped.

When he regained control of his vocal chords he whispered Mama all my dreams have come true!


melissa said...

I'm still laughing! What a good boy. Is his arm getting itchy yet?

Anonymous said...

How sweet! If it was all chocolate, it would be a close one for me.....

Anonymous said...

OMG what a doll! I love lines like this, so innocent, hopeful and priceless, what a doll!

Familia said...

what a thoughtful boy! my guy was all amazed like that when he saw a HUGE bag of pretzels in our office kitchen. he still asks for pretzels every time he comes here.