31 July 2009

My Thoughtful Yittle Fwiahman

O: "Mama, me yike deese frackers.
Me bring come to da guys at the fwiah cation.
It's way, way far away.
Me need comting to dwive...
Maybe da pumper fwuck.
Yeah. Pumper fwucks good."

translation: Mama, me like these crackers. Me bring some to the guys at the fire station. It's way, way far away. Me need something to drive... Maybe the pumper truck. Yeah. Pumper truck's good." Indeed.

20 July 2009

Recovery From a Full Weekend..

From his Daycare provider:

"Finn has decided on the face plant sleeping position. A bold move for this veteran napper. Lets watch..."

18 July 2009

Remembering Gaga

My grandmother died 14 years ago at the ripe old age of 86. She was still very active and still driving - as scary as that really was. She was a wonderful woman. Very stoic and dry, she didn't show affection much but she had so many qualities that I loved.

She had an extremely interesting life and she loved to share her stories with me: Going to art school; adventures in cars in the years when driving 10 miles an hour was like riding a roller coaster; bathtub gin! I loved these times with her.

One of the things I loved most about my Gaga was her love of nature and plants. She taught me when to prune hydrangea and how to identify trillium and other forest flowers. We took long walks whenever we were together - which sadly wasn't that often. She was very much involved in conservation and, in fact, had driven herself to a conference where she had the stroke that would, two weeks later, take her life.

After she died, my sister and I went to her home to help clean out some of her stuff. The things that were most meaningful to me were her plants. K and I took several. She a beautiful Jade, me a happy Christmas Cactus. We both took clippings from a huge vine that nearly filled a large greenhouse window in her kitchen.

For years, this clipping didn't do much. I wondered why it was so special; why Gaga had loved this plant so much. The leaves were pretty. Waxy dark green. But beyond that? Meh.

Then one day about 10 years ago, I smelled this overwhelming sweet scent in my apartment. I searched high and low but couldn't figure out what it was. I kept sniffing around and finally found the source:

Gaga's Hoya had finally bloomed.

And now it blooms several times a year. It's prolific really. I have created multiple plants from this one clipping of hers. It is an honor and a privilege to be one of the keepers of this amazing plant. And every time I smell that wonderful scent and see the beautiful blooms, I remember her.

She would have been 100 today. Happy Birthday Gaga. I miss you.

17 July 2009

Company Coming...


No time.

Company coming.

Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning... (Thanks for the help Rolf and Sven!)

Clutter. Laundry. Mirrors. Toys.

Scrubbing bathrooms. (Oh! To be the only woman in a three man house...)

Scrambling after a long day at work.

Madness. But it's finally done. Time for a well earned glass of wine...

Bii: Mama, the house looks really good now. It hasn't looked this good in 10 years.

At least I'm not the only one who notices...

16 July 2009

I Ain't Got Much

'Cept these two, cute, happy the sun is finally out again, boys...

Hope you're all enjoying the weather...

09 July 2009


I did it.

I hired a housekeeper.

I've dreamed of this moment for a long time.

Now mind you, he's not exactly what I envisioned:


Blond hair

Blue eyes

Doesn't speak a lick of English...


He's not even Swedish.

In fact, he was born in Massachusetts.

But I think he'll do.

Everyone: Meet Rolf

Rolf Roomba

He's the new love of my life.

Right up there with our other hired hand, Sven.

08 July 2009

Wardrobe Wednesday

It's an oldie but a goodie. I love how he looks kind of horrified to be dressed like this. Oh, what we do to our children. Thankfully he'll have no memories of this...

Go join the fun at Heathen Family Revival

07 July 2009


Despite the lousy cellphone camera picture, we had an absolutely lovely day out on the ocean. It's scheduled to start raining again any minute...

02 July 2009

I'm Done

That's it. I can't take the rain any more. I have reached the breaking point. I'm going to have a margarita. right. now.

01 July 2009